Carnegie Mellon University

Safety, Facilities, and Technology Resources


You can report crimes at CMU to the CMU Police Department, HERE. If it is an emergency situation, immediately call University Police at 412-268-2323 or dial 911 if you are off-campus.
The best thing to do is keep an eye on your things (don't leave them unattended in public) and to lock your bike correctly to a secure rack. Another safety measure is to register it with the CMU PD. The information will go into a national database so that if it is recovered, it can be returned to you. Get info and register your stuff HERE.
Always feel free to contact the CMU PD for help. Normally, when one of these agencies need to get ahold of student, they work through CMU and thus you would be contacted by someone from Student Affairs or the CMU Police Department. However, the CMU Police can help put you in contact with the correct people to verify the instruction in the email/call and provide assistance. Call them at (412)268-2323 or email HERE.
Through the CMU Police Department, there are two programs offered. The first is the two-hour safety awareness class "S.A.F.E." which provides safety tips and an introduction into physical self defense. The second option is the longer Rape Agression Defense (or "R.A.D.") training which is a 12-hour course with safety tips and a significant hands-on practical component to learn physical means of self defense. For more information on when courses will be offered, email HERE.
You will find that each lab has it's own areas of concern depending on the type of experiments being run, but the campus wide standards can be found on the EH&S website (HERE). Also, you can sign up for training courses regarding lab and workplace safety that may be required to access certain facilities on campus.
Such events can be reported to the CMU Police (website HERE) or to the Title IX Office (website HERE) depending on your preference for handling the event later. No further legal action will be taken against a purpetrator of an event unless you choose to.
A student can report issues to the Ethics Hotline online HERE or calling 877-700-7050 and can do so anonymously. There is also a list of additional offices that the students can report to HERE under Matters to Report and Campus Reporting Contacts and where they can receive more targeted support.

ID Cards

Report your ID as stolen/lost in SIO (HERE) so it is temporarily deactivated so that no unauthorized access to facilities/funds occurs. The go to the HUB office in the basement of Warner Hall to aplly for a replacement. They will issue a new card number so fraudulent use of the lost/stolen card is prevented. If your card was stolen, it can be replaced for free with a police report or a CMU incident report. Otherwise, it will be treated as lost and there is a $25 replacement fee.
Up to one month before the expiration date, you should go to The Hub office in the basement of Warner Hall to get a new photo taken and an ID card made. Be sure to tell them that your graduation date has changed so it can be updated. If you have your old ID card, it can be surrendered and replaced for no charge, otherwise the cost is $25.


You can use 25Live to reserve rooms on campus. See HERE. You will need to log in using your AndrewID to reserve a room.
Yes. There are small study rooms available across campus, particularly in the CUC and the libraries. Reserve campus spaces HERE and library spaces HERE.
Yes. CMU Postal Services is a full USPS operation in the Lower Level of the CUC. Get information HERE.
Yes. You can rent a mailbox through Postal Services to get mail and packages delievered on campus instead of your home. Get more info HERE.
There are recycling bins accompanying most trash cans on campus, however there is also a recycling center available on the first floor of the CUC that is open to anyone and their goods.
Service Requests and Work Orders can be found HERE. To know if FMS will cover the cost or if you should report it to the department so they pay the fee, see HERE.


Computing Services has a great network of online and in person support, find them HERE. If your computer is broken, you can go to the University Computer Store for help, info HERE.
The list of software available for download by CMU affiliates can be found HERE. Also, be sure to check out software that you can remote access the campus netwrok to use!
Yes. CMU subscribes to Xfinity On Campus. Go to the site HERE, select "Carnegie Mellon University" and log in with your AndrewID. This only works over the CMU network.
Information about your Printing Quota can be found HERE. This is the money used to print on the campus printers. Information on your balance can be found HERE. Check with your department to see if they have any additional printing resources that may have different fee levels attached